I recently met a coaching client who I coached almost two years ago now. We had focused on some frustrations in their work. We started to explore the values they hold close and how these impacted on how they reacted at work to certain situations and how they felt about their work. There were some small changes in behaviour as a consequence at the time. About six months later they left their job of almost 20 years for another one better suited to their values. Another year later and they've started to set up a part-time business completely aligned to their values and passions! This change, they told me, started in those coaching sessions almost two years ago! The power of exploring and understanding your core values and what makes you tick!
Feeling proud to be a coach!
Do you suffer from too much stress? Are you trying to manage the impact of stressed staff? Are your sickness absence levels high and performance lower than you’d like it to be? Would you like to reduce your own stress levels and learn how to do this for the staff you manage? Then this is the workshop for you.
In our personal lives and at work the world is feeling like a very stressful place but we don’t have to accept this. Employers are also starting to recognise the importance of helping staff to manage stress as a way to reduce absenteeism, improve performance and ultimately enhance profitability.
At the end of this workshop you will: